HONEY DIPPER STICK free with the purchase of a jar of honey


A honey dipper stick is a utensil used to serve and portion honey. It is typically made from wood, although some are made from other materials like silicone or metal. The stick is usually around 6-8 inches long, with a handle on one end and a grooved or spiraled head on the other. 


The grooved or spiraled head of the honey dipper stick is designed to easily collect and hold honey as it is dipped into a jar or container. The grooves or spirals on the head help to distribute and hold the honey within the grooves as the honey dipper is lifted out of the jar. The grooves or spirals also allow for controlled pouring of the honey, as it is scraped off the grooves and drizzled onto food or drink. 


Honey dipper sticks have been used for centuries and are a popular way to serve honey in tea, on toast, biscuits, and other foods. They are also a favored tool in honey tasting, allowing for small portions of honey to be dipped and savoured. Honey dipper sticks are easy to use and clean and are a stylish addition to kitchen utensils and tableware.